define: catechism
From personal experience, "catechism" is an ugly sounding word of non-English origin that to many English-speaking non-catholics has negative connotation. It is hardly pronounced or uttered with poetic intention. It rolls off the tongue like a rough cut piece of timber that can be harmful to those nearby, including yourself. See also: catechumen. Some also say, see: Antichrist.The official Catechism of the Catholic Church is easily searched online:
denotative (intended) meaning of "catechism" = teaching, usually used by catholic or orthodox denominations
- Quick:
- Thorough with footnotes and references included:
- Direct:
- A list of all the Bible scripture references in the Catechism:
- PDF: Catechism of the Catholic Church (pdf)
catechism1 [ˈkӕtikizəm] noun
a book (especially religious) of instructions by means of question and answer
- Arabic: كِتابٌ تَعْليميٌّ دينيٌّ بِطَريقَةِ السؤالِ والجَواب
- Brief Catechism of the Catholic Church: موجز التعليم المسيحي للكنيسة الكاثوليكية
- Larger catechism:
- Chinese (Simplified): 问答集,问答教学法
- Chinese (Traditional): 問答集,問答教學法
- Czech: katechismus
- Danish: katekismus
- Dutch: catechismus
- Estonian: katekismus
- Finnish: katekismus
- French: catéchisme
- German: der Katechismus
- Greek: κατήχηση
- Hungarian: katekizmus, káté
- Icelandic: kennslubók (spurningar og svör), (fermingar-)kver
- Indonesian: katekisme
- Italian: catechismo; (prontuario a domande e risposte)
- Japanese: 教義問答書
- Korean: 교리 문답집, 문답식 교과서
- Latvian: katķisms
- Lithuanian: katekizmas
- Norwegian: katekisme
- Polish: katechizm
- Portuguese (Brazil): catecismo
- Portuguese (Portugal): catecismo
- Romanian: catehism
- Russian: катехизис
- Slovak: katechizmus
- Slovenian: katekizem
- Spanish: catecismo
- Swedish: katekes
- Turkish: sorulu-cevaplı din öğrenim kitabı; ilmihal
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