Marriage, the Prophet Hosea, and Three Chapters in the Old Testament

The Old Testament covers approximately 75% of the Bible. Unless you've plowed through it, you're likely to miss portions that act as keys to other portions of the Gospel.

Hosea is the major, minor prophet. He's only minor because he's a prophet of very few words. "Hosea" is also be written as "Osee". How massive are the implications of Hosea 1-3 about love, especially married love? And think, this is before Pentecost. For all the other Christian churches out there who waiver with the teaching of Marriage between two Christians on the grounds of adultery, Hosea has already been there: free, total, faithful, and fruitful. Yes, adultery is a sin, but who is perfect or associated with someone perfect without the need for reconciliation?

Thank God for Fr. Freddy for reminding us of the prophet Hosea's life. For me, it was a long time....but I somehow seemed to recall this example by deed, if not by name.

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